Forced Mate |
by Rowena Cherry |
Review by April Flowers/Desdemona
Norse Rune Casting
Middle Eastern Mythology
Chess Strategy
Intergalactic Politics
Alien Cultures
Secret Sword Wielding Societies
… and HOT HOT HOT sex!
These seemingly disparate
elements combine to create a fast moving, non-stop action romance. Rowena Cherry’s Forced Mate has a little bit of everything
a reader could want.
Prince Tarrant-Arragon kidnaps Djinni-Vera, a half human, earth raised young woman to be his
bride. She is the last surviving female that is DNA compatible to have his children and he must have her. More than that,
when you get past his incredibly juvenile and arrogant INTERGALATICALLY KNOWN sexual prowess, he wants her to love him as
Sounds pretty good, every girl’s dream is to be kidnapped and married to a prince, right? Well, what if
she already has a fiancé? Or if she has been raised to hate and fear him as a tyrant? Better yet, she’s been raised
to be a superior swordsperson and a Knight in the very secret society that is dedicated to his overthrow.
Add in two very headstrong personalities, a virgin’s fears, a large dose of humor and that seriously
hot sex I was talking about and this novel is somewhere between romantic erotica and intergalactic space opera.
can’t wait for book two!
Questions for the author:
1. What lead you to combine all of these
seemingly disparate elements in your novel and will they play larger roles in subsequent novels?
a. I write to please myself. It's a bonus when others enjoy it too.
b. My mix reflects my contrarian/anarchic
(not that I am an anarchist) inquisitive, irreverent world view.
c. I write what I know, and what makes me laugh, warts
(not quite f*rts) and all. The world is too rich not to try and hold a mirror up to many elements, IMHO. I've been an alien,
I've traveled with/dined with rockstars and aristocrats and white house secretaries of state. I dowse, I've seen strange things,
I've tried a lot of uncommon stuff.
d. I try to throw in useful information (usually well disguised)... really useful
stuff, funny stuff... also totally useless gems.
e. I love a challenge, so if someone says something can't be done,
I like to have a go. There are rules I want to break.
f. Private Morality: I respect History and Geography too much
to create imaginary kingdoms or dukedoms, or to fictionalize the lives and loves of real historical personages, so I set my
worlds in outer space.
g. The Chess element is because I used to be a school chess champion, I teach chess to small
children as a volunteer, I once played chess with the late Max Euwe (Grand Master, President of World Chess Federation)...
also because the chess vocabulary is rich with the potential for double entendres, hero and heroine can play chess and learn
a lot about each other --and converse-- Also, a chess title is less likely to have been used by another Romance author. I
don't think anyone else has written about a Knight's Fork (my Sept 2008 title)
Larger roles? Tarot... yes. It
is a wonderful plot device, and such fun!!!! Chess... not so much in Insufficient Mating Material, s/b back somewhat in
Knight's Fork Humor.... of course.
My heroes will not always be older, my heroines will not always be virgins. After
all, the Forced Mate heroine was supposed to be the last Djinn virgin, so more cannot magically appear.
IMM is a survival
romance, there's less rocketry and space tech, but the world building is scientifically sound. 2. What literary influences
led to your writing of this novel? Earliest romance/idea of perfect hero/wit (as opposed to scatological humor): GEORGETTE
Importance of research/fascination of research done and used well: ARTHUR HAILEY
worldbuilding: TOLKEIN,
Ethics/responsibility of being a writer" GEORGE ORWELL (why I write.... and other essays)
of humor/importance of good secondary characters: SHAKESPEARE
Dramatic monologue/really good villains: ROBERT BROWNING
Trivia (the importance of including rich, subtle esoterica)
The courage to be anarchic/iconoclastic: MONTY PYTHON :-)
MATE is a futuristic re-telling of the Graeco-Roman story of the abduction of Persephone by Hades.It is also a spoof, taking
every stock Romance situation, and turning into sit com. (of course, one cannot make a series of a spoof, so the next book
had to be "serious" comedy)
3. Do you have an interest in other sub-genre’s of science fiction besides Romance? If so, what
direction will those novels take?
I love historicals, and have considered writing a series of historical sf novels of milieu (where the
place is the star). It would be sf because the place would be a mystical landmark.
My mother tells me I have a criminal
mind. I'd love to write cozy (Miss Marple type) romances in outer space, if my psychic Empresses were to catch on. However,
at present, if there is not enough hero-on-heroine "Romance" my editor sends the novel back to me for re-writing, with a strict
limit on how many scenes the Empresses can be in.
RSF, SFR, and sfrE are the most popular R=Romance, SF is science
fiction, E= hot sex.
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