Whale Song |
by Cheryl Kaye Tardif |
Review by Tracee Gleichner
"I once feared death. It is said that death begins with the absence
of life. And life begins when death is no longer feared. I have stared death in the eye and survived." So
begins Whale Song by Cheryl Kaye Tardif. 11 year old Sarah Richardson is uprooted from her home
on a ranch in Wyoming and forced to leave behind her best friend, some of her favorite possessions, and all of the memories
of her childhood. Her father has accepted a job in Bamfield, Canada where he will be given the opportunity of a lifetime
- the chance to study Killer Whales and how they communicate and bond with each other. Sarah is pretty despondent
at first but rebounds quickly after meeting Goldie, her Native American neighbor and soon to be new best friend. Sarah
loves to spend time with Goldie, and her family, especially Nana, Goldie's Grandmother. She teaches Sarah all about
the beliefs of their tribe and even gives her an Indian name - Hai Nai Yu which means "The Wise One of the One Who Knows".
The families become quick friends and things seem to be going fine. Poor Sarah's world will soon be turned
upside-down when she encounters racism, an illness that hits close to home, and a loss so devastating it is uncertain she
will ever recover. Being a mom of a little girl with heart problems, it was very easy for me to relate to the
sense of despair these characters felt when an "illness" is presented and you have no control. You must put your faith
in the doctors and hope that their knowledge and abilities will be enough to give your loved one the best possible care, and
chance to live a long healthy life. But the part of the story that fascinated me the most was the Native American
background. I am blessed to have a very special friend who is 1/2 Onieda Indian. She has given my two girls Indian
names and I love to talk with her to hear the stories that have been passed down for centuries by her ancestors. The
way that nature is such an integral part of their lives is truly fascinating, and is something that all of us should take
to heart. This book is sure to strike a chord with readers, and could possibly spark some heated discussions...I
won't go into more details here, you'll just have to read it to find out what I am speaking of. For more information
on the author please visit: www.cherylktardif.comhttp://cherylktardif.blogspot.com Questions for the author: 1. Do you have Native
American ancestors - if not where did you receive your info for the book? Many people ask if I am native, but
I have to say no. At least, not that I know of. But because I lived for many years on the Queen Charlotte Islands and was
exposed to the Haida culture, my interest comes from experience. For the actual legends used in Whale Song, I had to do a
bit of research. The amazing thing is that every time I needed a legend to give a particular message, I always came across
the perfect one. Those legends all have life lessons that anyone can benefit from, even today. 2. What
made you choose Killer Whales as the backbone of the book? I've always been mesmerized by killer whales. Ever
since I was a child and saw Skana at the Vancouver Aquarium, I've loved these amazing creatures--their strength and beauty.
They are majestic animals, and when you learn about how they bond with each other and how they live, it gives you a deeper
understanding and respect for these creatures of the sea. They are powerful characters of native lore, mystical even, and
the main legend that inspired the story in Whale Song tells of how loved ones can be reincarnated into whales, and that if
you see one close to shore it is really your loved one coming to say goodbye. How beautiful and poignant is that? 3.
For those of you that don't know, the author lost her brother Jason to a brutal murder (my sincerest regrets). What
advice can you give people, if any, to help them get through a loss of this magnitude? When you lose a loved
one in something so pointless and violent as murder, it changes your life. Sometimes for the worst. It can make you fearful,
afraid to leave your own home, afraid for your children, afraid to even live. Or it can change your life for the better, and
give you a deeper sense of purpose. The choice is yours. Completely. We chose our responses and by accepting them, we make
them our own. At first, I chose fear. I didn't leave my house for a week or so. Then I realized that was not how I wanted
to live. That wasn't how my brother Jason would want me to live either. So I chose to make his death count for something more.
By creating a memorial site at www.jaysporchmonkeys.com, I began to heal. After getting to know some of the organizations he dealt with
and some of his friends, I healed even more. Then I decided to give back to these nonprofits by contributing a percentage
of my royalties from Whale Song. Every time you buy Whale Song you are helping people in need. For those who have lost a loved
one, I invite you to find a cause and donate time or money to it in memory of your loved one. And if you're looking for a
cause, please check out my new project. There are teens who need your help now.
As an added bonus, a copy of Whale Song is to be raffled off to a reader. Enter by signing
the guestbook below. To view other comments you just need to click on the View Guestbook tab.
The drawing will be held the first week in January - I am going to switch
from weekly drawings to monthly drawings to give people plenty of time to comment. The winner will be announced
here under Raffle Winners, and on the discussion group at Shelfari.
If you run into technical trouble, or have additional questions, please
don't hesitate to contact me at T. Gleichner at uponfurtherreview@gmail.com
To purchase a copy of Whale Song, simply click on the link below.
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