Upon Further Review

Princess Bubble

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Review by Tim Gleichner
I am approaching this review differently than I would others.  I am asking for help.  As the father of girls ages 2 and 3, this book gave me a bedtime story and my daughters gave me an honest reaction.
This story follows classic fairy tale protocol....with a bit of a twist.  All of Princess Bubble's friends find their Prince Charming and it is expected that it is only a matter of time before Princess Bubble does as well.  The twist is, that Princess Bubble decides that she doesn't necessarily need a prince or money to find happiness, but will look within and find happiness there.  
I thought it was a very positive message to send to girls everywhere, that each of us need to find our own happiness, to do what feels right, even if other may not understand.
My "helpers" liked the book although they are suckers for anything having to do with princesses.  I liked the story as well but thought my girls were a little too young - this would be great for girls ages 7 and up and would be a real self-esteem boost.
Overall I thought this was a well written book with great illustrations and portrayed a very positive message.
Susan Johnston says:
Well, I am 41 and single and have not found a prince. I have a great life and have traveled the world and I am in love with my nephews. I saw little girls playing and their Barbie's always found a prince. I started thinking life does not always work out the way we expect but life can still be fulfilling. Shouldn't their be an alter ending. What if you found a prince and he got cancer shortly after the wedding. Shouldn't you have the knowledge that you can make it on your own and not expect someone else to be responsible for your happiness but share your happiness with a spouse, friend, sibling...
I want a 6 year old who is now hearing the story to remember in
10 years if she does not have a prom date
or in 20 years if she is a bridesmaid again!
or in 30 years if she wants to scream when asked, "Why aren't you married?"
to be able to remember reading Princess Bubble and to know she is a prince no matter what life throws her and she can readjust her tiara and continue on with confidence.
We have had mothers read the book to their daughters and say that reminded me I can not expect my husband to be everything but to share everything.
We also have a large single fan base because they relate.
Princess Bubble is a flight attendant so she will travel to different countries and learn about culture and how our differences make us special.
I would love to do something for boys because I have nephews-but I am probably too girly to hit the nail on the head. I hope my little boys (ages 20 month and almost 6) get form this they need to find a princess who is already happy.
I think the message is so important and hope to reach little girls later by planting a seed now.
Thanks for taking the time to review the book!
As an added bonus, a copy of Princess Bubble is to be raffled off to a reader. Enter by signing the guestbook below.  To view other comments you just need to click on the View Guestbook tab.

The drawing will be held the first week in January - I am going to switch from weekly drawings to monthly drawings to give people plenty of time to comment.  The winner will be announced here under Raffle Winners, and on the discussion group at Shelfari.
If you run into technical trouble, or have additional questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at T. Gleichner at uponfurtherreview@gmail.com

Princess Bubble by Susan Johnston

Princess Bubble on the Today Show


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