Upon Further Review

Submitting a Book For Review

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Submissions for Upon Further Review

How to submit for review

Please note that our reviewers are to be considered your "reading audience." They are not professional editors. However, they do read the publications and will give you their honest and fair assessment of what they read.

- We will review books, manuscripts, galleys, e-books, audio CDs and DVDs.

- We are accepting children's/teen's/young adults books, including e-books. 

- We currently only review items in the English language.

- All items sent for review become the property of the reviewer from Upon Further Review.  Your publication will not be returned, however it will be raffled off to a new reader of the website the following month.  We feel this helps to further increase the exposure for the author.  

It can take up to 90 days, or more in some cases, from the receipt of your submission until the review is posted.  We attempt to review according to the date the submission was received. We ask that you be patient as your book is very important to us.

 What do you get?

1.  The right to use the review in whole, or excerpts with credit given to the reviewer and to Upon Further Review.

2.  A review posted on uponfurtherreview.org indefinately. 

3.  A review posted on Amazon.com, Myspace, Bibliophil, and on Upon Further Review's weblog, just to name a few.

If you are interested but still have questions, please contact me at tracee@uponfurtherreview.org

If you are interested in submitting your works for review, please send them to:

Upon Further Review

Review Request

834 S. 18th Street

Manitowoc, WI  54220 

Please Note:  Be sure to include your contact information, including an email address. 



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